
An Undertaking of S.D.College (Lahore) Ambala Cantt

Under the VedaVyaasa Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme, dept of Sanskrit & SDHDRT Centre of S D College, Ambala invite you to – 1. Thursday , Friday (9,10 January, 2020) (01.00 -2.00 p.m.) सूᮢ -पाठ 3 (ᮩहम -सूᮢ ) 2. 2hrs Discussion session (11th January, 2020, Saturday) (01.00 p.m.) – Topic – “Sanskrit & Western Applied Models of Qualified Citizen in 21st Century” “२१वᱭ शता᭣दी मᱶ सं᭭कृत एवम् पा᳟ा᭜य िवशेिषत/ समथᭅ /सगुण राि᳦क के ᮧयोगधमᱮ ᮧाᱨप” Why this discussion – Dept of Skt feels that in the name of citizen’s rights what different lobbies / parties are doing is a matter of serious concern. What one is proposing in parliament, the other is opposing and in the name of civil society all politically active players have made constitution a football. So dept of Skt wishes to understand and explore this issue. Are we qualified enough to be a citizen of India? (it is not about 5 constitutional conditions of citizenship.) Are we aware enough about the sense of being a citizen? The word राि᳦क has been used as per the Sanskrit tradition and not नागᳯरक. Sanskrit model of qualified citizen is based on the concept of अिधकारी whereas western model is based on constitutional rights and govermental facailities. आपके ᭄ान, अनुभव एवम् दृि᳥ कᳱ सं᭭कृत िवभाग को सादर अपेᭃा है। आप अपना संिᭃ᳙ िवचार/ म᭠त᳞ whatsapp पर भी ᮧेिषत कर सकते हᱹ