
An Undertaking of S.D.College (Lahore) Ambala Cantt

(Under the Vedavyaas Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme) Haryana Sanskrit Academy, Panchkula & Depts of Home Science, Physical Education, Botany, Zoology, Sanskrit, English, Hindi, Punjabi, Main Library, Mass Com, Music (I & V) & SDHDR&T Center of S D College, Amabala Cantt organize One Day Interdisciplinary National Workshop on “Rethinking Model of Applied Indian Psychology (with ref to Sanskrit Shaastras & Modern Psychology)” “᳞ वहारपरक भारतीय मनोिव᭄ान के ᮧाᱨप का पुनᳶवचार (सं᭭कृत शाᳫ एवम् आधुिनक मनोिव᭄ान के स᭠दभᭅ मᱶ) ” *Date – *15th February, 2020, Saturday, Time 10.00. A.M., Place –Seminar Hall Pl stick to the following topics only – Defining human nature मानवीय ᭭ वभाव का पᳯरभािषकᳱकरण, Body, Senses & Breath देह, इि᭠दयां एवम् ᮧाण, Nervous system नाड़ी / ᳩायुम᭛डल, Mind अ᭠तःकरण, Emotions and sentiment भाव , Process of knowledge ᭄ान ᮧᳰᮓया, Action कमᭅ, Language/ Speech वाक् / भाषा, Corrective methods उपाय ᮧᳰᮓयाएँ- परामशᭅ प᳍ितयां, योग , ᮧाणायाम, ᭟यान, मुᮤाएं , ᭠यास, िचᳰक᭜सकᳱय ᭔योितष, कथा, संगीत, म᭠ᮢ तथा अ᭠य कलाएं आᳰद]