
An Undertaking of S.D.College (Lahore) Ambala Cantt

Dear sir/ madam,
It is matter of satisfaction that Dept. Of Sanskrit & SDHDR&T Center of SD College, Ambala Cantt ” *Under the Vedvyaas Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme” have received grant of Rs. 1,25000 from ICHR, New Delhi for organizing two days Interdsciplinary national seminar on the topic-
History of Hindus – Issues & Challenges. Proposed dates are 8, 9, February, 2018, Thursday, Friday.
Detailed idea will be coming up shortly.
Historians , Sanskritists & other scholars of various subjects are welcome to join us. If interested u can join us as advisor (Univ. Professor) & member organizing committee (college teachers).
Ashutosh Angiras

Dr Rajinder Singh Principal & Patron