
An Undertaking of S.D.College (Lahore) Ambala Cantt

(Under the VedaVyaasa Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme) Department of Sanskrit & SDHDR&T Centre, S. D. College, along with Bharat Vikas Parishad (Vivek Shaakhaa), Ambala Cant jointly organized an online cum Offline webinar on the occasion of *“Yuvaa Divas” to pay floral tributes to Swami Vivekananda on the topic- “CRITIQUE OF SWAMI VIVEKANAND’S VISION IN 21st CENTURY, २१व ीं शताब्द में स्व ाम वववेकानन्द क दृ वि क म माींसा” in which students, staff members and members of Bharat Vikas Parishad Under VedaVyaasa Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme MONTHLY NEWS LETTER VOLUME JANUARY ISSUE-2022 SANATAN DHARMA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH & TRAINING CENTER (AN UNDERTATKING OF SANATAN DHARMA COLLEGE, AMBALA CANTT.) & DEPARTMENT OF SANSKRIT SANATAN DHARMA COLLEGE, AMBALA CANTT. 133001. HARYANA, INDIA participated. Department of Sanskrit made a PPT presentation on the various aspects of thoughts & actions of Swami in the issues & problems of 21st century. Dept also explained the meaning of Vivek & Aanand in the light of Yoga. His thoughts were concluded in the following manner – “We are responsible for what we are, and whatever we wish to be. We have the power to make ourselves. If what we are now has been the result of our own past actions, it certainly follows that whatever we wish to be in future can be produced by our present actions. So we have to know how to Act.” A vote of thanx was proposed by the Vice president of BVP. Dr. Rajinder Singh, Principal along with Dr. Paramjeet Kaur, Dr. Saryu Sharma, Sh. DharmaRaj, Sh Hem, Sh. Praveen, Sh. Ramlal & others were present on this occasion.