
An Undertaking of S.D.College (Lahore) Ambala Cantt

(Under the VedaVyaasa Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme) On The Occasion Bhagwad-Geeta Jayanti Celebrations, IMC&MT, KUK organized a nation webinar on the topic – “Communication for Societal Wellbeing: Lessons from Bhagavad Gita” in which dept of Sanskrit S. D. College, Ambala Cantt made a ppt presentation on the topic- “MEDIA LITERACY: WHAT IT CAN LEARN FROM BHAGAVAD-GEETA”, “मीडिया संचेतना: भगवद्गीता से यह क्य ा सीख सकता है?” in which following issues were Under VedaVyaasa Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme MONTHLY NEWS LETTER VOLUME DECEMBER ISSUE-2021 SANATAN DHARMA HUMAN DEVELOPMENT RESEARCH & TRAINING CENTER (AN UNDERTATKING OF SANATAN DHARMA COLLEGE, AMBALA CANTT.) & DEPARTMENT OF SANSKRIT SANATAN DHARMA COLLEGE, AMBALA CANTT. 133001. HARYANA, INDIA discussed from the Bhagwat- Geetaa’s perspective and model was also proposed. What kind of human beings media literate people will be or what kind of Kartaa, Bhoktaa & Gyaataa media literates will be? What happens around you when you claim to be media literate? Will Media Literacy training and human nature integrate & dissolve personality conflicts? What kind of wellbeing will ML bring? Can ML claim that a media literate society will be free from corruption, violence or at least assure humanity of a safe and meaningful future?