
An Undertaking of S.D.College (Lahore) Ambala Cantt

(Under VedaVyaas Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme) Departments of Sanskrit & SDHDR&T Centre, S. D. College, GMN College, Arya Girls College, Ambala Cantt RKSD College, Kaithal, MPN College, Mulana jointly organized an online national webinar cum open house discussion on the topic- “Sanskrit Shaastriya Critique of Economy, Economics & Economist” “२१िी िं र् ताब्दी में अर्शव्यिस्र्ा , अर्शर्ास्त्र एिम् अर्शर्ास्त्री की िं स्क ृ त र् ास्त्रीय मीमािं ा” which was attended by 76 participants from different states. Dept of Sanskrit raised the following three main issues- (1.क्या ितशमान-काविक आवर्शक -विन्तन मनुष्य को भविष्य के प्र वत आश्वस्त करने में मर्श हु आ है?2. क्य ा ितशमानकाविक आवर्श क- विन्तन धवनयोिं को अपना धन जरुरतमन्दोिं के ार् बााँटने के विए तैयार या उत्सावहत कर का है? 3. क्य ा ितशमानकाविक आवर्शक -विन्तन गरीबोिं को न्य ाय वदिाने में मर्श हो गया है?) through a PPT presentation & talked about the concept of “sensible economics” based on Sanskrit Shaastras as GDP based economic model designed and developed for 7.5 billion people of one living earth has been able to generate facilities & conveniences for people in unequal & unjust manner manner because of which wellbeing is not happening so it’s high time to rethink about our traditional wisdom regarding economics of wellbeing. The patch works like sustainable economics, green economics, and environmental economics are no sureties or securities for a safe, healthy human future on this one living planet called earth. It is because of these reasons we need to look for an alternative economic thinking in terms of sensible economics and evaluate the Karma & Dharma of economists based on Sanskrit Shaastras. The results of intellect based economics is like – अन्धेनेि नीयमानः यर्ान्धः। So It’s high time that we explore intelligence based economics rather than intellectual economics.Prof (Dr.) Sudhir Kumar, dept of English, Punjab University, Chandigarh & coordinator of national winter school of “ArthaaYaama” at IIAS, Shimla gave a brilliant account of Arthaayaama as how to decolonize the minds of the upcoming generation of young teachers and researchers and remind them of the holistic dharma- centric nature of all Indic knowledge systems. It aimed at reading the economic aspect of life – not economistically only – but through the integral vision of Sanatan Dharmi Indic knowledge system – so well envisioned as “Arthaayaama “(a concept used by Pt Deen Dayal Upadhyaya ). Prof Avinash K Shrivastav talked about issues from Buddhists perspective and emphasised on “Samayaka Economics’ ‘. Prof (Dr.) Manish sharma introduced the idea of Gandhian economics which is very relevant in 21st century and *Dr R K Gupta elaborated the “LokaSamgrah Based economics” as described in BhagvadGitaa. It was followed by question answer session in which different issues were raised. Sh Ajay Bhardwaj, Senior journalist from Chandigarh, in his presidential remarks talked about the urgent need to change the discourse of mainstream capitalist cum communist economy by ideas of Purushartha of Indian tradition and emphasized that all economists need to think and see economic issues from agrarian economic perspective and remodel the whole economic structure. Dr. Rajendra, Dr C K Jha, Dr Vinay Singhal, Ms Loveleen Grover, Dr. Chanchal Sharma, Dr Manmohan Sharma, Sh Narender, Dr. Anand Gurhye, Sh Anil Mittal & others shared their views in the discussion session. Webinar was concluded by vote of thanx proposed by the dept of Sanskrit.
You can watch the proceeding on the Youtube link given below-