S.D. Human Development, Research & Training Center | Newsletter February 2018 Volume V Newsletter February 2018 Volume V | S.D. Human Development, Research & Training Center
सनातन धर्म मानव विकास शोध एवम् प्रशिक्षण केन्द्र
Sanatan Dharma Human Development, Research & Training Center
  • Amity Centre for Sanskrit and Indic Studies Amity University, Gurugram
  • Punjabi University, Patiala
  • Guru Nanak Girls College, Santpura, Yamunanagar
  • D.A.V. College For Girls, Yamunanagar
  • Mata Sundri Khalsa Girls College – Nissing, Karnal
  • D.A.V. College, Pehowa
  • M.P.N. College, Mullana

February 2018 Volume V


Newsletter February 2018 Volume V


Seminar Report

Seminar reportSeminar report

First day 19th January

सनातन धर्म कॉलेज (लाहौर), अम्बाला छावनी में योग संस्कृति के परिप्रेक्ष्य में २१वी सदी में स्वस्थ्य जीवन वृतियों का परिभाषाण विषय पर…

Second day 20th January

सनातन धर्म कॉलेज (लाहौर), अम्बाला छावनी में योग संस्कृति के परिप्रेक्ष्य में २१वी सदी में स्वस्थ्य जीवन वृतियों का परिभाषाण विषय पर…

Upcoming Seminar

Upcoming SeminarUpcoming

Seminar on 9th, 10th Feb. & 10th March

Indian Council of Historical Research, New Delhi sponsored two days interdisciplinary national seminar.…

Seminar on 31 March, 2018 & upcoming documentary on ‘Bairagi Sect’



चीन की कम्युनिकेशन यूनिवर्सिटी में शोध पत्र प्रकाशित

चीन की कम्युनिकेशन यूनिवर्सिटी ने अपने हाल में प्रकाशित ग्रन्थ में वैदिक ज्ञान परंपरा के आधुनिक सन्दर्भ पर शोध पत्र प्रकाशित किया है….

Dr. Jaideep Chauhan has been award by Honorable Governor of Haryana

Dr. Jaideep Chauhan has been award by Honorable Governor of Haryana

Four stories published by Dr. Sonika Sethi

The Sicilian Affair, The Twist,  Life After Death and The Auction. four storied published by Dr. Sonika Sethi. Stories are available on available on https://sweek.com/

Project By Ms. Meenakshi Sharma for NCC Cadets

Ms. Meenakshi Sharma of Computer Science & Application, developed & designed a project on ” Nominal Rolls for NCC Cadets” in php under SDHDR&T center .

Capt. Dr. Mrs. Vijay Sharma got Best ANO Award

Capt. Dr. Mrs. Vijay Sharma got Best ANOaward during Annual Training Camp- 156 1st Bt. Ambala Cantt

Dr. J.D. Chauhan Published a book entitled Feminism and Literature

Dr. J.D. Chauhan Published a book entitled Feminism and Literature

New Arrivals

21 वीं सदी का भारत

21 वीं सदी का भारत

जाति व्यवस्था

जाति व्यवस्था निरन्तरता एवं परिवर्तन


Anyone can contribute:-

  • Self composed short poems, stories and articles ( not more than 500 words) are
    invited to be published in the newsletter.
  • Language can be Sanskrit, Hindi or English.
  • The newsletter reserves the right to publish or reject any contribution submitted
    for publication.
  • The document should be in MS-Word format and sent via email.

Important:- Members are requested to share their academic achievements for publication in the newsletter on email addresses stated above.