
An Undertaking of S.D.College (Lahore) Ambala Cantt

Under the VedaVyaas Restructuring Sanskrit Scheme, Dept. of Sanskrit & SDHDR&T Center of S D College, Ambala Cantt cordially invite you to share your ideas, critical thinking in the following academic events – 20th January, 2020 Monday, 10.30 a.m., seminar room – To pay homage to Great Warrior Hero MahaRana Pratap on his Death Anniversary (19th Jan, 1597) – (Students of S D College has taken initiative to organize this seminar & Dr U V Singh will be the resource person & Prof. Virender Chauhan, Vice president &Director, HGA, Pkl will preside ove the lecture.) 21st January, 2020, Tuesday, 10.30 a.m., seminar hall, Prof.Vir Sen Vinay Malhotra Trust, & SDHDR T Centre, S D College jointly organize interdisciplinary seminar cum panel discussion on the Topic – Socio-Political Impact of CAA, NPR & NRC. 22, 23 January, 2020 Thursday, Friday (1.00p.m. to 2.00 p.m.) – Workshop on -“Recitation of Sutra-Paatha – Vaisheshik-Sutra Text”