
An Undertaking of S.D.College (Lahore) Ambala Cantt

SutraPath Recitation was conducted by Dr. Gaurav Sharma of Ambala City for two days (09,10- 01- 2020) in dept of Skt. He explained the context and the content of the Vedant Philosophy in brief and then introduced the text to the participant students. Dr. Gaurav taught students the sutras of first adhyaya of Brahma-Sutra and corrected the pronunciation of the students. It was good experience for the students as they learned about the basic text of Vedanta Philosophy. Student Convener Aayush of this SutraPath Workshop thanked Dr. Gaurav for conducting this recitation workshop and took pride in learning Brahma- Sutras. He announced that the next class will be held on 16,17 -01 -2020 in department of Sanskrit, S. D. College, Ambala Cantt. Student Convener – Aayush yadav